Pegasus XRL

Award winning reporting tool

The most common concern for users of accounting and business software is the inability to easily extract meaningful information from their system to gain timely insights into the performance of their business.

Award-winning Pegasus XRL is a powerful tool which links Opera 3 with Microsoft Excel, enabling you to import live financial data into a spreadsheet. With its flexibility, ease of use and advanced drilldown capabilities, Pegasus XRL delivers fast and accurate information to provide enhanced analytical power for better decision-making. 

Key features

  • Significant time savings over manual entry 

  • Data can be presented in graphical form so that it's easier to understand  

  • Accuracy of data transfer which ensures accurate results  

  • Powerful analytical tools provide instant management information which can be used for forecasting.


Not only can you export data into Excel, but you can also interrogate those fields and drill down to the transactions behind them.

For example, a Turnover Value for a customer can be interrogated to extract invoice numbers and then further so that you can see the stock items which make up that invoice.

The real power of this would be seen if you were asked to explain a value on a spreadsheet such as “Total Debtors”: using drilldown to investigate the transactions behind the field, you would have an immediate answer. 

Ease of use

Pegasus XRL appears as an additional menu item in Excel. Any Microsoft Excel user, regardless of their broader technical awareness, can quickly learn how to use XRL Wizards to create bespoke reports and analysis based on live Opera 3 data, often with just a few clicks of the mouse.

Management can therefore view and manipulate complex business reports in a familiar spreadsheet format.

The XRL Wizard will help you create reports by extracting the data into Excel. Simply select the Company which you want to extract data for, identify the area of the system you are interested in (such as Sales, Stock, Costing, Payroll) and choose the fields.

Plus, it’s all written in simple English so that you don’t have to work with technical jargon. Getting your company’s data into Excel will take seconds! 

The Data Send facility in XRL allows you to take information prepared in Excel and write it back into Opera 3.

Information such as Nominal Budgets, Price Lists and Stock Adjustments can be entered with minimal effort. 

Writeback to Opera 3

Not having to enter information into a spreadsheet gives you more time to produce detailed analysis.

With XRL you can create links between the data in Opera 3 and cells in a spreadsheet, so that you can design Management Reports such as P&L and Balance Sheets in Excel to present up-to-date, accurate information based on the live data within Opera 3.

Producing Management Reports with XRL is quick and easy, while further reporting power is provided by multidimensional analysis tools such as Cube Analysis and shortcuts to Excel Pivot Tables. 

Reporting Power