Data Connector

Why every Finance Manager needs business intelligence software

In today's business landscape, having the right tools makes all the difference. For finance professionals, data reporting and visualisation is not just a luxury—it's a necessity.

With native, customisable reports and a plug-in for Power BI, Opera 3 SQL SE give you the formula for informed decision making.

How do you securely share your data source with stakeholders? You take the Big Data and model it into visuals. Everyone from operations to marketing can access relevant financial insights, ensuring that all departments are aligned and working towards common financial goals.    

  • Informed Decisions

    Data Connector and XRL Reports provide comprehensive views of your financial data. Use real-time data and detailed analytics to identify trends, monitor performance, and forecast outcomes with confidence.

  • Enhanced visualization

    Data connector transforms complex data into easy-to-understand charts, graphs, and dashboards. Helping you to communicate effectively with stakeholders without a financial background.

  • Improved efficency

    Your time is valuable, BI software automates the collection and analysis of financial data, reducing manual processing. Finance teams can focus on strategic tasks rather than data entry and reconciliation.

  • Better risk management

    Timely intervention against risks and issues protects your business from unforeseen financial setbacks. 

  • Enhanced financial planning and analysis

    When you need agile thinking you need the analytics to back you. They help in budgeting, forecasting, and variance analysis, ensuring that financial plans are aligned with business goals.

  • Facilitating business growth and adaptation

    By understanding which areas of the business are most profitable, identifying cost-saving opportunities, and tracking financial health, businesses can make informed decisions that drive growth.

How does Opera 3 SQL SE Data Connector work? 

Data Connector uses oData to access and extract data efficiently and effectively. The flexible querying and a dictionary or pre-defined links make it extremely user-friendly. Whether you want to pull your data in to Excel, SharePoint, Power BI or another chosen analytic platform Data Connector is the solution.  

Imagine accessing data from any part of your financial and business solution and then present it in an easily digestible format for distribution across your company, even to non-financial users.

Even better, this information can be analysed using the latest AI tools for enhanced decision making and can alert you when limits are exceeded for areas such as credit limits, stock levels, and more.

This is now a reality for Opera 3 SE users with the introduction of the new Data Connector.